Retreading & Retreaded Tires

two mechanics retread tires opposite of each other

Safe, Affordable & Reliable

Lower Costs with North America’s #1 Retreader

Tires can be the number one maintenance cost involved with owning commercial vehicles. Buying tire retreads can save you 30–50% compared to the price of new tires. And when you purchase from Southern Tire Mart, you’ll significantly lower your expenses while still equipping your vehicles with tires that are safe and reliable.

workers retreading tires to help your money and tires

Extend the Distance Your Money & Tires Can Go

We stock a large selection of tires that have been retreaded by specialized machinery and refined retreading processes. The results are tires every bit as safe and effective as brand new ones. Retreads save the trucking industry more than $3 billion a year. If that’s not a reason to consider retreads for your vehicle, nothing is!

We Use Bandag® Retreads

  • The global leader in retread tire
  • Perform like new tires
  • Specialized tread patterns to match tires to any terrain
Mechanic retreading tires

Save Money & More

Benefits of Retread Tires

  • Lower cost
  • Better for the environment — retreaded tires are repurposed and stay out of landfills
  • Extending tire life
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